"Your Online Advertising Partner"

VOL. CLXII No. 67,985

PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

Advertising & Management


     What is "retargeting/remarketing?" In simple terms it is re-advertising to the "fish" that got away. Suppose someone visits your site, they look around, learn about your products but never quite make a purchase.  

     Retargeting/Remarketing keeps track of those visitors and then can follow them around to other internet sites and show them your fresh, new ads. 

     A simple snippet of code (also called a "tag") placed on your website puts a cookie in their browser and keeps your ad in front of them wherever they go.

Remarketing/Retargeting Advertising

Mobile & Tablet


     PPC advertising on mobile devices such as smartphones & tablets is rapidly becoming one of the best tools for reaching people on-the-go. 

     The greatest part about PPC advertising is the ability to target and choose your precise audience and the type of devices you want your ads to appear on.

     Mobile ads can appear on Google search results, on content websites, apps and video using a variety of text, image, interactive, rich-media & video ads.  

Display & YouTube Advertising

     Target your audience with brilliant, rich-media, image display or video ads. Contextual advertising allows you to choose what sites and times your ads are displayed.
     You can choose demographics as defined as their "interests", "age", "location" or as simple as a particular website you'd like your ads to appear on. 

     If branding is your objective, we can setup a successful campaign and zero in on your future customers.

Elaine: What exactly is Pay-Per-Click Adverting?

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Elaine: Back up a minute! You mean to tell me that unlike traditional advertising like newspaper, magazines, flyers, television, radio, Yellow Pages, etc. where you pay for the ads and there is no guarantee you’ll get traffic or customers I only pay when someone visits my website or calls me?

Dan: Yep! These are the hottest leads available in the advertising world. You get people at the exact moment they are thinking about and searching for a product or service like yours.  

Elaine: Okay, if I only pay when someone clicks on my ad or calls me, how much will I pay per click?

     Then we have to create dynamic ads that will grab their attention and make them want to visit your website or call you to buy your products or service or to find out more about them.

     We have to geo-target and choose demographics for your area and business segment. Select the times and days to run your ad campaign to maximize your investment. Create multiple ad groups to coincide with your landing pages on your website. Insert conversion tracking and analytic traffic codes on your website where appropriate. As well as setting up remarketing campaigns.

Elaine: Okay, so how complicated is this to set up and get started?

Dan: It has a degree of difficulty and can get very complicated if you are not familiar with this type of advertising. We have to choose the proper “keywords” or “Search terms” that are used to find your product or service. There are literally hundreds of them and they all have a different cost per click. Choosing the correct keywords can make all the difference on your profit margin.

Dan: Pay-Per-Click Advertising also referred to as PPC Advertising is exactly what its’ name implies. It is way to advertise your business on the internet and mobile devices (smart phones & tablets) and only pay for that advertising when someone actually clicks on your ad and either visits your website or calls you.

Dan: That depends on how popular that particular product or service is. The more popular it is the more it costs. The good news is we can tell you what the average cost per click will be before we advertise. This way we can set a maximum cost you’re willing to pay per click and the most you want to spend a day to advertise.  


Elaine: You mean I get to choose how much I want to pay for a click and the total I want to pay each day?


Dan: Absolutely. You set your own daily budget based on how many visitors (clicks) you’d like a day. As an example, let’s say a click for your product or service costs an average of $3. We set a maximum of $3 per click that you are willing to pay.


     That doesn’t mean you’ll pay $3 a click. Generally you’ll pay less than that. Since you are competing with other advertisers you are actually “bidding” against them in an auction that happens in a millisecond. It could cost you 50 cents, $1.25 but no more than $3.


     So if your daily budget was $100 a day, you could have 33 or more clicks or potential customers a day.


Elaine: This sounds great, but what if I want more customers than that?


Dan: That’s easy. Just increase your daily budget to as much as you want.

Elaine: So how do I start my advertising and have you manage our account?

Just call our Toll Free number to speak with one of our Sales Professionals to discuss your new advertising program. We look forward to working with you!

Call us now to find out how PPC Advertising can work for you!

     Don’t worry; our proprietary software gives us full insight who your competition is, what ads they run, which keywords they use, and how much they spend. Basically everything they have been doing to make them successful. This way you’ll be a winner right out of the starting gate.


     Google knows it can be complicated, that’s why they recommend using a third party company like us. We have the experience to provide a full management service to completely handle your advertising campaign for you. We’ll even provide you with an easy-to-read, detailed report that will let you see exactly where all your new business is coming from. This way, you can concentrate on growing your business and we’ll worry about getting you more customers. Fair enough?

M-F 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (EST)

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